Monday, February 2, 2009

Well don't I just suck!

As ya'll can probably figure out by now, I'm a sucky blogger. I've just been stupid busy. Most of the down time I have I'm at my nanny job and I don't want to sit in their office and blog.

I have been eating more healthy. I'm not on a strict diet yet but I'm doing better. I just have no motivation when it's cold out. The past couple of days have been decent, at least for Indiana. The family I nanny for just got a new puppy and I'm the lucky one that gets to pretty much train it. Yay for me. At least it get's my want for a puppy fulfilled. I think the girls and I spent like 4 hours outside yesterday. We made snow chairs, snowmen, and snow angels. It was fun. Of course I was soaking wet by the time we got done but I actually for whatever reason had an extra outfit in the car lol. It was nice to get outside and get a little bit of excersize. They have a play set and a trampoline! I'll be able to do pull-ups on their monkey bars!! I'm sure jumping up and down on a trampoline will burn quite a few calories too. I'll throw in some dumb bells for extra measure lol.

On a good note, the 8 pounds that I have lost I haven't gained them back. I haven't lost anymore than that but I'm just happy that I havne't gained them back. Warm weather will be here soon! My little brother is getting married August 22nd this year so I have a few months to get thinner. Thank God the dresses are going to be black!! That really excites me haha!!

I might have a Valentine this year too!! I'm trying to not read into it too much but it's nice to have someone interested in me!!!